Insert Data In To Two Tables In Single Insert Statement

Below is the simple code to insert data in to two tables in single Insert statement

CREATE TABLE #registration (RegistrationId INT IDENTITY(1,1), FirstName NVARCHAR(50), LastName NVARCHAR(50))
CREATE TABLE #logindetails (LoginId INT IDENTITY(100,1), RegistrationId INT, UserName NVARCHAR(50), Pwd NVARCHAR(50))

Here RegistrationId is related in both tables.

Inserting two records in to both tables

INSERT INTO #registration(FirstName, LastName)
OUTPUT  INSERTED.RegistrationId, 'admin', 'admin@123' INTO #logindetails
SELECT 'Jawala', 'Parsad'

INSERT INTO #registration(FirstName, LastName)
OUTPUT  INSERTED.RegistrationId, 'mylogin', '123@testone' INTO #logindetails
SELECT 'Happy', 'Singh'

SELECT * FROM #registration
SELECT * FROM #logindetails

DROP TABLE #registration, #logindetails

After selecting data from both tables you will fin that RegistrationId is same in both the tables. This solves the problem of selecting RegistrationId from #registration table and the inserting into #logindetails for maintaining relationship among both tables.

Copy the above code and execute..!

Screenshot :-


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