Lock folder without any software

Trick to lock any Folder in computer without using any Software
Many windows users use folder lock softwares to keep there private data safe form others. But there is a trick so that you can do this without using any software. Follow the trick below. This trick also works for drive locking..

Windows XP
Open My Computer
Go to Tools -> Folder Option

Click On Views Tab
Scroll down to last

Uncheck the last entry
" Use Simple file Sharing"
Ok-> Apply -> Ok
Now right click on the folder/drive u want to lock.
Now the Security Tab is visible in the Task bar.
Now click Security Tab, now there is a list of User. Select the user and below in the permissions check Deny options.

Now if you click on the folder there is a message "Access Dined".
If you deny the permissions for all users accept Administrator then the only administrator is allow to open that folder.
To unlock the Folder or drive do reverse the above process i.e; allow the user
Windows VISTA and Windows7
The trick is same. Just right click on the folder you want to lock. And you will find the security tab by default and rest of the steps are same as in for Windows XP.
And Done................!


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