Calculate Running Total
Hello readers..!
Some time you need to calculate running total of the item. Many people do extra calculation and long methods to accomplish that. Below is the simple logic to calculate running total.
First create a table that holds item with there price. I m using temporary table.
RecordId INT IDENTITY(1,1),
ItemName VARCHAR(20),
Cost INT
INSERT INTO #amount VALUES ('Pen', 10),('Pencil', 5), ('Rubber', 2), ('Scale', 2), ('Paper', 10)
SELECT *, 0 AS RuningTotal INTO #TotalAmount FROM
Declaring a variable that calculates the total of item.
DECLARE @amountSum
INT = 0;
RuningTotal = @amountSum, @amountSum = @amountSum + Cost
SELECT * FROM #amount
SELECT * FROM #TotalAmount
DROP TABLE #amount,
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