Open Custom Help File on F1 press
Hello readers, This is new topic for which i have written a code. When we press F1 key then its opens the help for that document and same when we a running any web application or internet and if we press F1 key then it opens the browser help. So here is the scenario, I want to open my own created help file on pressing F1 key. The code is not much complicated. Just we have to trap the F1 key code and cancel its default function and perform the action to open my own created help file that is a word document file. We have to use JavaScript to trap F1 event. After that we retrieve the page URL and its name and open a new popup window by passing file name in query string. To make it more simple to identify which file has to be opened for the current page, I named the help files as the page name. for example if page name is abc.aspx then its help file name is abc.doc. ASPX Page Code : <% @ Page Language ="C#" AutoEventWireup ="true" CodeFile ="Default...