Captcha Code
Hello readers. I have written a code to generate Captcha Code. I have created a DLL file for this, all u have to do is - just add reference of the DLL and use to generate captcha code. 1. Add Reference of the DLL that is added to bin folder of your application. 2. Now add aspx page and add an Image control. < asp : Image ID ="Image1" runat ="server" /> < asp : TextBox ID ="txtCaptcha" runat ="server"></ asp : TextBox > < asp : Button ID ="btnValidate" runat ="server" Text ="Validate" OnClick ="btnValidate_Click" /> < br /> < br /> < asp : Label ID ="lblMessage" runat ="server"></ asp : Label ></ div > 3. Now write in the .cs page using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Web; using System....